The leadership which can transform team members into great teammates is bound to succeed under any circumstance. Leaders who inspire the team from the very core are bound to achieve the impossible. Leadership is a perfect blend of following characteristics.
-Total Commitment-A clear plan which is easily understood by all team members is essential. Role understanding and mutual leverage is very important. A goal with a purpose is magical. A purpose is reaching for something greater than yourself. Winners always find a way to move forward towards their goal, mentally, physically and spiritually, every day-they are persistent. Preparation is very essential that good leaders do very meticulously. Basically commitment starts where fun stops.
-Empathy & Awareness- Mostly people work for people, and not for companies. So a leader should have a deeper understanding of each team members. Giving time to know the team members personally is big leverage. Emotions and feelings can be great assets. It is productive to coach than to criticize members. They can easily make out the difference.
-Manage Adversity- A true leader is ruled by hope of success and not by fear of failure. How he stands at time of challenge and controversy is important. He rises up and inspires his team mates to face the challenge head on. Not being a perfectionist he embraces setbacks and challenges as a spring board to future success.
-Mutual Respect & We Mindset-Acting like a team is more important than feeling like a team. Leaders believe in their team mates beyond reason. When respect is given as a gift and not with held as a grade, team mates feel valued, worthy, engaged, free to learn and have more ownership of results. Synergy can only be created if instead of “I”, every thought and process is based on “We”. Getting and giving suggestions always helps.
-Be a Kinetic leader and let go of Ego-A successful leader allows team mates to blossom and develop leadership qualities. He is ready to step into any team mates role at difficult times. For him the success of project is more important than his ego. He is ready to learn and lets others learn too. Giving credit where it is due is very crucial.
-Ownership Of Project- Taking full responsibility of any debacle and giving credit of success to team mates is a prized quality of leader.