Self love is very imperative for a successful life. If you take good care of yourself, than for sure your productivity will improve, as you are more positive. Higher productivity will in turn make you more confident. Below given list is not exhaustive, it just includes a few time tested habits to improve self confidence and see a better you.
-Meditate Daily-Even a few minutes of meditation done regularly, really impacts your memory, focus and psychological wealth. Sit quietly for at-least 10 minutes daily.
-Stay away from News and Social Media-Never start your day reading toxic news. Avoid media as far as possible. They create unnecessary negativity or deviation, taking away a lot of important time.
-Exercise-It not only improves your cardiac state, physical stamina but also helps in enhancing your brain health. Do it at-least five times a week, may be a brisk walk is all that is needed.
-Be in Nature-It is imperative that we spend time in greenery. It not only makes you disease free but also connects you to the higher power.
-Breath slowly and deeply-Breathing the right way increases your energy very quickly and effectively. Inhale slowly and deeply. Hold on as long you can with ease. Exhale slowly. See how you feel!
-Eat Healthy-Substitute natural food in place of processed one. Eat for health and not for taste. Drink plenty of water.
-Spend Quality time with Family and Friends-Connecting with people you love will enhance your confidence. It improves your overall well being and reduces stress. It improves your overall well being.
– Have Gratitude-Make a list of things you are grateful for. Keep it with yourself and see it when ever you feel low. Counting your blessings is always uplifting.
-Have a Hobby-You can have a hobby at any age. It relaxes you and makes you happy and creative.
-Spoil yourself once in a while-Go for a lavish dinner, a long warm bath, a trip once in a while to break the anatomy.