Incomplete tasks are real stressors and can drain out a person emotionally. Procrastination is a habit pattern which needs to be replaced by action. Below given tips can definitely help overcome procrastination and help accomplish more.
-Breakdown into smaller steps-A big assignment can make you feel overwhelmed and confused. Instead of looking it as a monstrous break your task into smaller actionable items. Accomplish one or two sub tasks on a daily basis.
-Manage your time efficiently-Tasks should be arranged in terms of efficiency and importance. Try to club similar things together to save on time.
-Have Deadlines-Commit a specific time limit for each task and set deadlines.
-Do your research before getting started- You will tend to procrastinate less if you have all the necessary information on hand. It will make you more confident.
-Why you should get started today-If you have all the reason why you could benefit by getting it done today, than chances of skipping are far less.
-Reward and Punish Yourself-You can reward yourself by a small nap if you finish the task in time or punish yourself by cutting on your leisure time.
-Be Public-If you make your intentions public about getting the project accomplished, than you will feel more focused. Knowing someone will check your progress, gets you more motivated.
-Do the hardest part first-If you do the unpleasant task first( maybe early in the morning) than getting the rest task completed becomes easy.
-To begin is half done-Start the work, maybe by doing the little things-writing an outline, drafting the introduction etc.